Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Today I sit behind the desk Executive Director of Safe Harbor Rescue Mission - which happens to be my desk and my title. I have been sitting behind similar desks with this same title only since 2005. The difference is, today we are finally in the new home God has provided for us to use in ministry to women who have lives that seem to be destroyed.

Granted, we are not operating as a "Life Restoration Center" yet. We are still working as a Day Shelter for homeless women and children during daytime hours only. But today, there are lights on in the windows of a home that for five years sat empty. As empty and hopeless as the eyes of women who camped in the woods surrounding it.

The whole idea that God would place me in a leadership role such as this is pretty incredible. Very, VERY humbling. I have to admit often throughout the course of a day, or a week, or sometimes an hour, that I don't have the answers. What do you say to a woman who has never known a man, including her father and brothers, who did not strip her of her innocence and later, her dignity, leaving only shame and pain as the only companions that stick around?

The only thing that saves me is that I know it's not so much what I say, but what I don't say. Tears are very therapeutic. Not only when you're crying for your own pain, but when someone else cries for you.

For now, being Executive Director means I carry the vision and belief in this ministry. And I cry the tears that maybe no one else has cried. This is a high honor, and one I do not take lightly. Thankfully, there are people out there who also believe in the vision and mission of Safe Harbor. They are the ones who keep our doors open with finances; volunteer to come in and shed a few tears; or bring in some smiles and laughter to brighten our way and offer light to brighten the darkness.

So, this is "blogging." It's my first time, and it feels weird. But you know, I like the concept. Everyone's story is worth telling.

1 comment:

Cindi said...

Hi Debbie,
Thank you so much for your encouraging words within your blog.